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How to get a guilt free Christmas day spread


FOR many, Christmas day is synonymous with delectable feasts, and if there’s a family that knows how to dine royally, it’s the Royals themselves. Chefs who have crafted meals for the Royal family during Christmas have unveiled the culinary delights gracing their tables. While the regal spread comes with a royal price tag, experts have curated a guilt-free list of alternatives inspired by the Royal family’s Christmas fare.

1. Baked Tomatoes on Toast

For a lighter and healthier alternative to a hefty English breakfast, consider opting for baked tomatoes on toast. This simple yet flavorful breakfast allows for creativity with tomato varieties, bread choices, and garnishes. A cost-effective and stomach-friendly option, it prepares you for the festive day without the heaviness of a full English breakfast.

2. Seafood Sensation

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Seafood is a staple for the Royal family, with preferences veering away from shellfish. While seafood can be pricey, there are budget-friendly options available in most supermarkets. Salmon and salted codfish offer versatility for creating both filling dishes and small sides. A quick and economical prawn cocktail makes for an excellent starter, perfect for welcoming guests without breaking the bank.

3. Turkey Crown or Roll

Trimming costs without compromising on quality and taste is possible when it comes to the centrepiece of the Christmas table – turkey. Consider a turkey crown or roll as a budget-friendly alternative to a whole turkey. This not only reduces expenses but also saves time in the kitchen, as you won’t have to wait for the legs to cook separately. It’s a practical solution to minimise food waste and optimise oven space.

4. Veggie Delight

Vegetables are a must, whether you’re dining like a Royal or not. Roasted or not, vegetables add vibrancy to your Christmas plate. To avoid overspending and reduce food waste, plan your vegetable choices based on your guests’ preferences. Group vegetables with similar cooking times to streamline the roasting process. Freeze veggies while fresh if you’re concerned about supermarket stockouts.

5. Healthier Yule Log

Completing the Royal Christmas meal, a chocolate yule log is a must. For a guilt-free indulgence, make a few tweaks to the recipe. Opt for darker chocolate with lower sugar and fat content and higher flavanol cocoa solids. Consider a filling with low-fat Greek yogurt and delicious fruits. This healthier twist maintains the festive spirit while being mindful of your well-being.

This Christmas, revel in the joy of feasting without the guilt, inspired by the Royal family’s culinary choices. From lighter breakfasts to budget-friendly seafood and healthier desserts, you can create a regal spread that delights the taste buds and leaves you feeling satisfied and guilt-free.

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