Experts in water quality from 17 different countries will be descending on Aberdeen next week for a three-day international workshop.
The event, being co-led by and held at The James Hutton Institute, will explore recent advances in water quality measurement helping to pinpoint nutrients and chemicals in freshwaters using state-of-the art sensors.
Running from June 17 to 19, the workshop will include presentations by experts from across four continents, including from Canada, New Zealand, Northern Ireland and Scandinavia, as well as field trips to river restoration and water quality monitoring sites in Aberdeenshire.
Dr Miriam Glendell, event co-organiser and research leader in catchment modelling at the Hutton, says, “We are proud to host the fifth in this series of workshops here at the Hutton where we have a strong focus on waters, from understanding water quality management and modelling, and host Scotland’s Hydro Nation International Centre.
“There are many advances being made in how we can monitor and understand our waters and river catchments for pollutants, from biological to emerging contaminants, such as forever chemicals and pharmaceuticals.
“Sharing these advances, looking at how best to deploy them and how best to use the data they provide, including use of sensors and AI, will be a major focus at this event, helping to drive forward expertise, evidence and understanding in this area to inform policy and practise and safeguard our waters in Scotland, the UK and beyond.”
The event, the 5th International Workshop on High Temporal Resolution Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis, is run by the Hutton, Hydro Nation International Centre (based at the Hutton), the University of Stirling and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Sponsorship is provided from Badger Meter, the parent company of the world leading brand of water quality sensors from s::can.
The field trip will include visits to the Beltie Burn restoration project near Torphins and the Hutton’s Glensaugh research farm where nature-based solutions (such as “leaky barriers” and riparian planting) are being monitored and assessed and long-term data collection takes place as part of the Environmental Change Network. The event has previously been held in Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Ireland.