How to produce cooking videos for social media

Cooking training videos

There is nothing more nourishing than food. It’s something that everyone can relate to and enjoy. People also love experimenting with new recipes, styles, and approaches.

Cooking material, such as popular cooking and food prep videos, always perform well online.

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So, whether you’re seeking to share your favourite family recipes or aspire to be the next Guy Fieri, here’s a simple approach to creating high-quality, useful culinary movies that will go viral.

Cooking Video Planning and Scripting

The planning and scripting of cooking and culinary videos is by far the most significant component of production. This pre-production stage is critical for gathering not only all of the ingredients you’ll need for your recipes, but also for planning how you’ll deliver each piece of information using a screenplay and shot list.

One thing to bear in mind when watching cooking shows is that, while the recipe and methods are precise, many hosts prefer to work “off-the-cuff” as they go through their instructions. Encourage improvisation as long as things stay on course to keep things free-flowing and genuine.

When you come back later, make sure your video has subtitles, as this is one of the best methods to make it searchable and appear when people look for your exact recipes.
Cooking Video Shooting Advice

When you watch cooking shows on television, you’ll note that the hosts don’t appear to be doing any cooking. Instead, the majority of their dishes were already prepared before they were broadcast. When shooting your own cooking videos, you’ll want to follow the same guidelines.

The easiest way to approach shooting is to approach it as two independent shoots. The first is a shoot with the chef or host talking to the camera and describing the recipe and procedures. To ensure that the host looks his or her finest, shoot this wide and with excellent three-point lighting.

Close-ups of the food being prepped and cooked will be the focus of the second session. The ideal way to shoot this is with the well-known “top-down” technique used in online food videos such as Tasty. Standing on a chair or a table may be necessary, but filming down from a high vantage point provides you a full perspective of a countertop or stove, allowing you to shoot the entire recipe from beginning to end.

Cooking training video production is fairly simple to do at home on your iPhone, which makes it an ideal piece of content for foodies to promote their recipes and blogs on social media.


The magic happens in the video editor after that, and you may combine your two independent shootings. Begin by putting up a “scratch track” of your host going over the recipe.

You may begin cutting in your close-up footage of the food preparation and cooking in action once you have your scratch track and transcription ready to go. If you make your edits smooth enough, it will appear as if the two shots are interacting in real time, resulting in a clear, easy-to-follow, and entertaining culinary video that will do well on YouTube and social media. Viola!

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